Marketing Services:
In marketing, it’s tempting to jump straight to tactics before setting a marketing strategy – create a brochure, send a press release – because it feels good to “do something” to promote your business. But if your marketing efforts aren’t working together, they’re working against you.
Strategy & Planning
Whether the goal is to grow your B2B company or get acquired, a Kelley Green Consulting integrated marketing plan has the power to transform your business and put your brand on the map. We begin by gathering intelligence to analyze your business and goals from a high level, and then devise the right marketing strategy for your goals and budget.
KGC develops content around an integrated communication strategy tailored to meet the client’s marketing goals – raising brand awareness, driving leads and boosting sales. But the most effective content addresses the specific needs and pain points of the target audience, too. We enable companies to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they understand, can help – even empathize with – their customers.
KGC's graphic design expertise is a blend of brand identity, strategy, creativity, user experience, functionality, graphics and typography. We enable you to present a polished, consistent, professional brand image every step of the way.