The workplace has changed. The old rules don’t apply. PathFinders is a unique training method, developed by our Chief Resilience Officer, Tom Kelley. PathFinders' mission is to help companies dramatically increase business results through having more authentic, plugged in and fulfilled employees… leading to increased productivity and aliveness in the workplace.

PathFinders For Teams
Mediation, Team Building, Facilitation, Group Coaching

Experiential group processes that take your team members to a deeper understanding of themselves and their teammates.

  • PathFinders humanizes each member of team which leads to a more heart centered connection.
  • Builds into the organization the principles of Awareness, Authenticity, and Mindfulness and cultivates Clearer Communication and Openness.

"To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart" – Thomas J Watson

PathFinders For Executives
One-on-One coaching for new hires, new managers and employees in transition

Evokes contribution from a deeper, more heart centered place. Creates revved up, animated workers giving their all from an authentic place. Activates through powerful processes/exercises designed to find and ignite the more primal motivations. 

Curriculum centers on the New Expanded “Phenomenon” of Leadership

  • Collaboration
  • Personal Power (one’s character, ability,and approach)
  • Creating extraordinary results
  • Holistic, whole system problem solving
  • Emotions and Intuition matter as well as logic and facts
  • Purpose driven but with a longer view
  • Using Compassionate Communication
  • Focused on needs of marketplace, community and ecosystem

Tom has been an amazing facilitator in the art of moving out of our comfort zones.  I can tell you from personal experience his groups have been powerful forces to help me overcome the hidden obstacles to be more aware and reach for new experiences.  He has a keen ability to understand and glean insights from our meetings that leave you wondering  — ” Wow, I never thought of it that way.”  To know Tom and be be part of his programs is the first step a man can take breaking out of our isolating, average existence and realize the innate awesomeness we have within.
— Michael Schutzbank Logistics Executive Nairobi, Kenya
Tom was an incredible facilitator for our organization’s mediation session. Within minutes of taking our first collective breath together, he was able to foster an environment of openness and truthfulness. He gave everyone the space to feel as vulnerable as they were comfortable with, which ensured everyone felt safe sharing their own stories, their own pains, and their own discomforts. Tom was incredibly moving, caring and forgiving. I truly believe our group would not be as strong as it is today without him.
— Kamdyn Moore Rockland United
What do you get when you combine a Marine, a highly intuitive and skilled counselor and a savvy about the “real word” guy who’s also a gifted health coach? Tom Kelley. I am deep in the world of healers, counselors, coaches, mentors, etc. And have yet to meet someone like Tom who is truly a man among men and yet still can be with you about your most intimate challenges in life and inspire you to handle them gracefully and confidently. If you’re looking for a mentor, hire him. You’ll become the person you
always knew you could be.
— Karin Witzig Rozell, Founder, The Wellness Professional Network